Allah’s name Al-Shaheed

the divine name of allah al-shahid the witness allah subhana wa tahallah knows all and sees all there is not a leaf that falls from the tree except that allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala witnesses it allah bears witness and knows every feeling that you and i have all our loves all our fears all our hopes all our dreams more so then we feel them and know them ourselves he knows what is hidden of ourselves to our own selves he witnesses it all and when we come to manifest this name in our lives we must have it constantly at the forefront of our minds that we are bearing witness over what we allow into our hearts watching it closely moroccan in looking towards what we allow into our hearts and what we allow our limbs to partake in to bear witness to the actions that we commit when a man came to imam hussain al-islam and asked him how can i stop sinning told him go to the place where allah cannot see you and the man said there is no place where allah cannot see me so then the imam replies so then how can you sin if allah is watching over watching over you from the outside but also watching all of your thoughts and feelings so we come to allah and we ask him by his name o one who witnesses all the dark secrets and subtleties within my heart purify me of all my doubts and bring me to you so that i may bear witness on that final day that i was an obedient servant to you make me a guide for others to bring to you make me a witness for you in this world

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